
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Pope Francis almost knocked over in Mexico!

Calm, smiling and obliging, “serene” is among the adjectives most frequently deployed when describing Pope Francis.
It seems, however, that even the pontiff has his limits.

Francis, who is on a five-day trip to Mexico, was greeting fans at a stadium in the western city of Morella on Tuesday when he finally lost his cool with some overzealous well-wishers.

Following a colourful encounter with young dancers and singers, the pope went over to
greet the faithful, at which point two arms reached out to grab him.

The person, who is not seen in the video footage, did not let go, even after the pope lost his balance and fell onto a child in a wheelchair.

After aides and security men stopped the pope from falling to the ground, a flash of anger crossed his face as he stood upright.

Staring at the person, he raised his voice and said twice in Spanish: “Don’t be selfish!”

Francis then took a couple of steps back as appeals came over the public address system asking the crowd not to clump together.

The Argentinian Pope has tried to get closer to the public, opting to use open-top cars instead a bullet-proof Popemobile used by his predecessors – a measure introduced after the attempted assassination of John Paul II in St Peter’s Square in 1981.

Watch the video here


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