From the mouths of babes. It used to be so great to be a little kid because you could say the absolute truth and not really get in trouble for it little kid. But there is really something so innocent about small children, that they get away with saying whatever is on their mind and there are no real repercussions. Well, take a look these funny cute notes some kids wrote.
Dear Mom, you are my favorit mommy ever. I’m sorry for calling you a pice of poo. And I hate you and not going to my room. I love you mommy. Love, your dautre KarahWow, this little kidflip flops more than most politicians and that’s funny but also kind of creepy. Good luck with this one.
Dear Zane, It was hard telling you this but me (natalie) and Michelle C. like you. Sincerely Natalie and Michelle C. P.S. Please DON’T tell no one PLEASE PPS. WRITE A LETTER BACK
Wonder if Zane ended up picking Natalie or Michelle C.? Zane and Michelle C. sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g… that just has a better ring to it so we hope he chose her.
Thank you mom for making me food so I don’t die
When’s the last time you thanked your mom for making you food so you didn’t die? We just take it for granted that someone has kept us alive. Maybe you have a wife or husband now that does most of the cooking. Would it kill you to thank them for making you food so you don’t die?
Having Worse Day of life by far Do Not enter! From youre hated sun me!
Can someone say Drama Queen?! We wonder what could have possibly happened that day to make it so bad? Were they out of pudding at school? Maybe his pencil broke? We just love the angry face at the bottom.
Dear Tooth Farei, my tooth whint down the drane. It was an accident. Wil you take this eyelash instead? From Emerson
This kid is a dynamite problem solver. Don’t cry over a lost tooth, figure out something else to offer. Emerson will most likely use this strategy later in life at work: Dear Mr. Director. I accidentally didn’t finish that report you wanted by today. Will you take this old file on kite repair I found online instead? lol.
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